Tag Archives: Hate Crimes

Vishwa Guru of Hate?

How India is Slowly Emerging as a ‘World Teacher’ albeit of a different kind

( Illustration : coutesy CJP, Citizens for Justice and Peace)

France has moved towards normalcy some time back.

The anger and anguish of the still marginalised in the society, which spilled over into the streets, over the killing of a 17 year old Nahel – son of an Algerian single woman of Muslim origin – by the trigger happy traffic police, recorded on a camera, has long subsided.

No doubt the questions raised by it are not going to go away so easily.1

Experiences of two countries cannot be compared easily but perhaps one could easily see in the uproar shades of the ‘black lives matter moment’ for the French society. Not only in terms of the brutality of the police as witnessed in American society after the killing of George Floyd but the soul searching of sorts which seems to have begun afresh there, a churning has accelerated within the French people after this killing.

( Read the full article here)