Dalit and Adivasi Women Warriors Question Caste and Gender Oppression: Sujatha Surepally

Posted at Round Table India

SUJATA SUREPALLY shares her impressions from the first National Dalit and Adivasi Women’s Congress held on February 15-16, 2013, at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

We live in nature! We die in Nature! It’s our life, if you occupy our land where should we go and how do we live? Whose land is this?


The hall is echoing with the furious voice of Dayamani Barla, veteran Adivasi activist from Jharkhand. She is trying to unite people against mining in Jharkhand, around 108 mining companies are waiting to destroy Adivasi life in the name of mining, first they come for coal, next they say power houses, it continues, we are pushed out and out further. How do we live without our land? Spectacular speech for an hour, pin drop silence all around, everyone is identifying with her pain and agony. At the end of it, what is she is trying to convey?

Humko Jeene Do! Let us live our own life! If this is called development, we care a damn about it!  Blanket statement. [Continue reading]

3 thoughts on “Dalit and Adivasi Women Warriors Question Caste and Gender Oppression: Sujatha Surepally”

  1. I’ve heard Dayamani Barla speak. A simple woman with a powerful argument. The question is-who is listening? And is there a way to balance our modern notions of development while still preserving the tribal way of life and respecting nature? Tough, but perhaps not impossible if we work with communities instead of always imposing on them~


  2. It is rather unimaginable that a mass of humans should remain oppressed under Vague conjures in the name of of Manusmrity  and its consequent divides. 
    Ah Dalit men, women and your lovely children rise like your ensuing Dalit Women Congresses and shed every incessant influences of damn’d superiority of wether any of the 33 crores Devi , devtas or their bigoted Bi B followers or their Crime-Prone Legislators. This part of Universe like every inch of rest of it is Governed by Natural processes . In those Natural domains ,  Ah brethren Dalits you have your space , rise like the Dark Knights to appropriate it. Make your Faith not Baster God, but the natural strength , “fear none and also dread none ” as Proclaimed by Guru Gobind Singh .

    Humanity is  there  all over the rest of the World,  it is with you. This writer is at the forefront to join solidarity with you.

    Down with BRAHMINIC Imperialism , Dalit revolution Jindabad.



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