Statement in Support of Nivedita Menon and Gauhar Raza

We, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the unwarranted attacks against Prof. Nivedita Menon by Zee News and IBN 7 and Mr. Gauhar Raza by Zee News. Prof. Menon is an acclaimed political scientist and writer whose work and integrity are respected all over the world. Her contributions to the women’s movement and gender justice through her writing and participation have been very significant.   Mr. Raza is a reputed scientist, poet and filmmaker, who has worked in a sustained way for peace and amity. The two channels have engaged in irresponsible and unethical attacks based on video clips taken out of context, creating an atmosphere of threat, intimidation and incitement to violence. Three false cases have been filed against Prof. Menon in this media-created environment of shrill jingoism. We request the Press Council of India and the Broadcast Association to take necessary action against these channels for their unacceptable and unlawful reportage. We also demand that the two channels issue a public apology for their relentless and defamatory attacks against Prof. Menon and Mr. Raza.

In solidarity with Nivedita Menon and Gauhar Raza,




Anjali Monteiro

K.P. Jayasankar

Shilpa Phadke

Shohini Ghosh

Sabeena Gadihoke

Nandini Manjrekar

Tejaswini Niranjana

Janki Andharia

Meena Gopal

Rowena Robinson

Probal Dasgupta

Chayanika Shah

Vinod Pavarala

Aparna Rayaprol

Nasreen Fazalbhoy

Darryl D’Monte

Vivek Monteiro

Sujata Patel

Abhay Sardesai

Sameera Khan

Surabhi Sharma

Nina Sabnani

Alka Hingorani

Adwaita Bannerjee

Subasri Krishnan

Smriti Nevatia

Kritika Agarwal

Ajit Mahale

Shweta Radhakrishnan

Bhamini Lakshminarayan

Abir Dasgupta

Arpita Chakraborty

Nandan Saxena

Kavita Bahl

Shoba Ghosh

Prerna Gupta

Geeta Seshu

Aastha Tyagi


Freny Manecksha

Shweta Ghosh

Mukta Patil

Sriram Srinivasan

Bindhulakshmi P

Shilpi Gulati

Prerna Gupta

Monica Sakhrani

Ridhima Sharma

Faiz Ullah

Shivaji D. Sargar

Ajinkya Shenava

Baliram Gaikwad

Usha Raman

Anjali Gupta

Rukmini Sen

Prasheel Anand Banpur

Pranay Rupani

Abu Saleh

Anand Gautam

Parool Sharma

Iram Ghufran

Isha Pungaliya

Manasi Pinto

Smita Vanniyar

Ananya Gaur

Karuna D’Souza

Divya Cowasji

Nayantara Nayar

Vishal Langthasa

Chandan Gowda

Anuradha Banerji

Shubhra Dixit

Akash Basumatari

Rahed Razzak S.K.

Nikhil Titus

Ketaki Chowkhani

Romit Chowdhury

Sanchita Dasgupta

Rimmy Shah

  1. Devika

Shilpa Ranade

Noopur Desai

Avadhoot Khanolkar

Ranu Tomar

Meghna Bohidar

Sanober Keshwaar

Sheela Prasad

Charu Gargi



25 thoughts on “Statement in Support of Nivedita Menon and Gauhar Raza”

  1. I join the signatories in support of Nivedita Menon. I do not know about the work of Mr Raza but the way the signatories have mentioned about his work, I am inclined to support him too.


  2. I think it might be time to file a complaint against them in court. Please add my name in support of Nivedita and Gauhar Raza – I wish there was more we could do.


  3. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct and is the beacon of a healthy society – start taking that away or twisting it, you will wake up in a Hitler state one day. I endorse this petition.


  4. This is just a begining, await for more cases and harassment, look what has happened to a journalist who quoted RTI in his report on Ayush.


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